Clinical speech therapists in the Clinic deal with diagnosis and treatment of adult patients with anaphylaxis. In accordance with modern trends in speech therapy, after completing the patient, complete diagnosis is applied, in order to examine the existing deficits and estimates of the remaining capacities. Based on the logopedic diagnosis, a treatment plan is made, which includes: phonotherapy, logomotor training, stimulation of expressive and impressive speech, stimulation of the nominative, semantic, syntactic and grammatical linguistic functions, as well as the treatment of speech disorders. The work of the speech therapist at the Clinic is specific in relation to the pathology of patients, which indicates that the Clinic is unique in Belgrade according to the spoken language problem. The speech therapist records the achieved results of each patient, contacts with family members, provides advice and instructions for working with the patient, cooperates with other team members: a physiotherapist, a psychologist, a social worker, therapists, and nurses
The clinical speech therapist is actively involved in all activities of the department: team meetings, visas and work ability assessment (ORS); She works with professional papers at the Institution and beyond. Logos The clinics are professionally advanced; Zrinka Radović received her master’s degree at the Faculty of Defectology in Belgrade in 1999.
The activity of the speech therapist at the Clinic is a teaching base for students of the logopedic direction at the Faculty of Defectology.
Activities of the clinical speech therapist of the children’s department include:
- logopeduspositive, in order to prevent or minimize potential problems with verbal communication in children with risk – factor;
- Observation, evaluation and diagnosis of speech-language disorders;
- Timely logopedic stimulation, therapy and advisory – instructive activity.
Voice, speech and language disorders (oral and written) are subjects of speech therapy, based on the use of modern logometric, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. The most common logopedic diagnoses in the child’s departments are: lagging behind speech development, developmental dysphasia, dyslalia, dysarthria, childhood aphasia, alexia, agraphia, acalculia, problems of dominant lateralization.