The Children’s Department deals with the processes of habilitation and rehabilitation of children, who are grouped into two categories:
- children with physical disorders,
- children with combined developmental disorders.
Developmental disorders present the consequences of: 1. Inborn defects, 2. Acute illnesses or CNS injuries of the peripheral nervous system or the bone marrow system. Patients are aged 15 to 19 years. The therapy is provided to hospitalized children and outpatients. The average number of daily patients is about 70 to 100. The work is carried out by a team and as a multidisciplinary action of experts (physicians specialized in physical medicine and rehabilitation, nurses, physiotherapists, work therapists, psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists, social workers, sports instructors, artists, educators and doctors of pediatrician consultants, orthopedists, urologists and other as needed, as well as orthotics from the company “Rudo”) and parents of the patients themselves.
The Department for Habilitation and Rehabilitation of Children of the Rehabilitation Clinic “Dr Miroslav Zotović” performs several activities:
- Health Care activities, through teamwork according to methodologies for certain pathologies;
- Educational activities, through the work of educators from the Children’s Institution “Savski venac”;
- Educational activities for children of school age, through an eight-year course conducted by the teachers of the Primary School “Dr Dragan Hercog”, according to a regular and special program (preparation of school material takes place with the assistance of a defectologist);
- Social activities, through the organization of events (with the active participation of children within the department, children from other schools, artists), as well as through organization of excursions, visits to public places, organization of exhibitions of children’s work, visits of famous public figures (poets, painters, drama artists);
- Educational activities, as a teaching base for doctors on specialization and practical training for students of defectology, therapists and nurses of VMŠ, therapists and nurses of SMŠ;
- Scientific-research activities, through evaluation of applied methods of habilitation and rehabilitation in various pathological conditions of children with disabilities;
- Cooperation with pediatric institutions (Institute for Health Care of Mother and Child of Serbia, Clinic for Neurology and Psychiatry for Children and Youth, University Children’s Clinic, Institute for Orthopedic and Surgical Diseases “Banjica”, Institute for Health Care of Mother and Child Novi Sad ) and pediatric services of health centers in Belgrade and Serbia.