Hydrotherapy is conducted at the Clinic in two separate units: in the prevention centre and in the hydroblock in the children’s department. The Center for Prevention contains equipment for providing modern hydroprocessors. It has bathtubs for underwater massage, vacuum cleaner, four-cell baths and a sauna. Procedures with hydromassages through reflex zones, manual massage, manual mobilization techniques of the spinal column according to the authors Karen – Prip and John Blakeman, acupuncture and lymphatic drainage are carried out.
All of these procedures are implemented with the accompanying kinesitherapy program, which is performed in a modernly equipped hall in the centre. Hydroclock in the children’s department was renovated in 2001, contains a Habard bath for children to a certain age and a swimming pool measuring 7 x 4 m and a depth of 60 to 90 cm. In addition to the therapy, children can learn swimming in this swimming pool. Within this department Nenad Krišaković, an Olympic swimmer with swimming disability started his career.