Work therapy is carried out at the Clinic at four points: the children’s department, the “A” department, the “B” department, and the purpose-built facility of the outpatient clinic service. The therapy uses the means according to the need to train patients. The equipment is not new and modern, and this deficiency is compensated by its adaptation, skill and enthusiasm of working therapists. It consists of breaks of different types and sizes (vertical, horizontal), various handicraft machines, various types of tools, various materials, a kitchen adapted for training in performing activities in home conditions necessary elements for training self-education. The children’s department possesses specific equipment tailored to the needs of children: toys, games designed to develop functions and stimulate cognitive abilities, a computer that is extremely stimulating in working with children.
Work therapy is still in the foundation of the Institution set up in accordance with the philosophy of rehabilitation to bring the patient back into his social environment optically qualified for independent living and work. The numerous compliments of top experts from the country and abroad who have visited this institution confirm the correctness of its organization and development. In the therapy, work is carried out primarily in functional work therapy, in accordance with recognized principles and methodology. A special place in the work therapy is the production of orthoses, whose purpose and goal is known, as well as the development and adaptation of the equipment necessary for carrying out activities in everyday life and in home conditions. The work plan is induced by the doctor of physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists, who are then in constant communication with a work therapist, which enables monitoring of the changes occurring during therapy. All changes are registered and filed in medical documentation in the form of a report.